Life at HPPL

members working in HC's Lab

Working At

Hardcastle Petrofer

At Hardcastle Petrofer, we bring amazing people together to make amazing things happen.

We’re a diverse collective of thinkers and doers, continuously reimagining our products. That innovation is inspired by a shared commitment to great work — and to each other. Because learning from the people here means we’re learning from the best.

members working in HC's Lab
Team Members of Harcastle Petrofer


We Are

We pride ourselves on our knowledge, customer focus and care. Our creative and motivated colleagues are the basis for our corporate success. Behind this success, however, are our people who continue to give their best and make a difference in the workplace.

HardCastle Team Members Discussing



We take great pride in our culture. It's what binds us and tells us what to do when no one is looking at us! Working with Hardcastle Petrofer gives you unique opportunities to advance your career alongside a group of diverse, talented colleagues.

HardCastle Team Members Discussing
Team of Hardcastle Petrofer


Core Values

Our culture rests upon a set of Core Values that guide our actions, both personal and corporate. Our Core Values- Professionalism, Good Corporate Citizenship, Customer First, Quality Focus, Individual Dignity & Respect inspire our associates to achieve our Core Purpose.


  • Picture of Hardcastl's Annual Employee Picnic For Factory Staff and Their Families

    Annual Sales Meet at Goa 2023

  • Picture of Hardcastle Team Enjoying at Mahabalipuram

    HPPL Cricket League 2023

  • Team building workshop at Mumbai

    Team building workshop at Mumbai

  • Team Playing Tug of War

    Tug of War Champions

  • Udaipur Meat up

    ABP meet at Udaipur

  • Cricket Team of HC Celebrating

    Cricket tournament

  • Picture of Hardcastle Team at Inter-Region Sports Competition

    Inter-region sports competition

  • Picture of Hardcastle Team on Safety Day Celebration

    Safety day celebration

  • Picture of Hardcastle Team on Annual Get Together

    Annual get-together

  • Picture of Hardcastl's Annual Employee Picnic For Factory Staff and Their Families

    Annual employee picnic for factory staff & their families

  • Picture of Hardcastle Team Enjoying at Mahabalipuram

    Team enjoying at Mahabalipuram

  • Picture of Grindex Exhibition in Pune

    Grindex Exhibition in Pune

  • Picture of Technical Seminar on Die Casting Lubricants in Pune

    Technical Seminar on Die Casting Lubricants in Pune

  • Picture of Technical Seminar on Aluminium Wire Drawing in Daman

    Seminar on Aluminium Wire Drawing in Daman

  • Picture of Annual Business Meet in Phuket

    Annual Business Meet in Phuket

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Employee Testimonials

Bhushan Bornare

Bhushan Bornare

My journey with Hardcastle Petrofer started 5 years back as a vendor to becoming an HPPL employee. I would like to proudly say that, I made one of the best decisions by joining HPPL family.

The technology for which I joined this organization was “POWER BI”. The management has always welcomed my initiative and ideas. I am enjoying my journey with a lot of learning & implementing exposure.

HPPL’s great culture, values, norms and practices have a huge impact on our happiness and success. This has helped me excel my skills in the organization.

HPPL has always appreciated and guided me on this journey. I am grateful for being a part of such an organization where employees are respected and supported whatever the situation be. Working with HPPL is about having a good work-life balance.

Let's keep growing together.

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Abhishek Daga

Abhishek Daga

It was a cold January winter day when I joined HPPL. The weather had taken a toll on my health, but the mercury level of excitement was sky-high, as I was moving to my hometown from Pune.Also, the warm and friendly welcome from the team made me feel comfortable.

In the next couple of weeks, I realized I belonged to a super-talented team. From there on, the journey started under the guidance of my Zonal Manager and Product Managers.

HPPL has one of the most collaborative cultures. With baby steps, I started my journey in the organization. I’ve made good friends and met charismatic leaders. I consider myself fortunate enough to have encountered such talented, inspiring, and enthusiastic leaders, whom I’ve always found committed to excellence. Further, an innovative journey started with a Mantra of ‘Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn,’ where we need to transform ourselves to become more agile and open to challenges.

Life at HPPL is full of rewards, recognitions and a lot of employee engagement. Working at HPPL is about making work fun, having a good work-life balance, as well as good synergy between work culture and productivity.

HPPL has given me the opportunity to have an entrepreneurial hat, multiple challenges, and thrill to acquire the business; which has enabled me to run until the results are achieved. The technical collaboration among all colleagues Pan India coupled with sharing of knowledge horizontally has helped me exponentially. Staying in touch with clients, understanding their issues, and problem-solving together across the hierarchy is very niche in an organization. I personally consider this as a strength of my company.

During this pandemic, our management tried and helped all employees to keep the heads high. The career takes a cruising highway when motivation is on the driver’s seat. HPPL has also boosted my self-confidence & motivation, extracting the best results from my performance. Overall. I am very happy to work with HPPL and looking forward to long innings.

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Kavi Israni

Kavi Israni

Today while writing this note, I am realizing that 9 years with HPPL flew in the blink of an eye and many more years will pass soon as it happened with my senior colleagues.

I bet like me, no one would have ever realized their working years with HPPLas it is so exciting, surrounded by exceptionally talented people and dynamic place to work, where we learn and experience new things almost every day. In fact, overall approach to creativity in inventing ways around obstacles is really refreshing e.g. Power BI (I confess that I use all sorts of Power BI data to gauge and improve my productivity on daily basis).

“A good system shortens & comforts the road to goal”

Over the years, to keep me motivated, HPPL has never failed to reward and recognize when I performed well andencouraged me to learn from my mistakes. It is a place which actually believes that change is the only constant when it comes to innovation, technology and system.

It is really amazing to witness how early our management prepared for this pandemic situation (testing times), by taking care of wellbeing and safety of every staff member. In order to keep our mental & physical health strong during this situation, the company has taken various initiatives i.e. distribution of premium quality masks, engaging us with all the different kind of activities and proactively creating WFH as a culture. It would be difficult for any company to come near to this type of dedication for their employees.

All this gives us hardcore attachment with the organization and makes us feel that we are working for our own business.

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Sujit Rao

Sujit Rao

My journey with HPPL began in November 2016. I joined as DGM Purchase. During my first meeting with our Chairman, Mr. Achal Jatia he made a statement that anybody who joins our company and stays for more than six months will continue to stay for a long time with our company.

The words turned out to be prophetic, time flies and I have completed four years with HPPL and the journey has truly been an exciting and rewarding one.

They say that if you love what you do, you don’t have to work even for a single day, and science and chemistry have always fascinated me and been my passion.

Here at HPPL with our vast portfolio of 350 raw materials, and growing, I have been able to realise the full potential of my technical skills and knowledge, which honestly, I didn’t experience in all my previous stints with other organisations where I had worked before.It is also very fulfilling to work in a highly professional environment with excellent ERP systems in place.

In today’s scenario, your supply chain starts from your vendor’s vendor and ends with your customer’s customer. Also in today’s tough times, unless and until, your purchasing is highly effective and efficient, you simply cannot compete in the market. As a purchase function the endeavour of me and my team members has always been to strive and direct our efforts in that direction. To bring about cost optimisation by developing new vendors, alternate chemistries, to achieve operational efficiency in terms of reduced lead-time, vendor managed inventory and satisfying all our internal customers.

In the end, it feels really wonderful to be a part of this wonderful HPPL family and I really look forward to a long and fruitful association and be a part of the growth story of HPPL.

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Mr. Arokyas Swami Receiving Award

Arokyas Swami

Yes... indeed it has been quite a journey with Hardcastle Group and an opportunity witnessing the company grow - a small mustard seed into a big mustard tree sheltering and supporting those who have come under its shade.

Initially, on joining I had to interact with Shri B L Jatia and Shri Amit Jatia (who had Just got involved in the business after his studies). Shri Achal Jatia was pursuing his studies then. Association with all three of them and with Shri O P Adukia has instilled me where am today.

During the course of the journey, interacting with representatives of the group companies had boosted my knowledge further and increased my confidence level.

From day one involving myself into all the administration activities of the company, however trivial it may be, gave me an opportunity to interact with all the employees of the company.

Yes, it just looks like yesterday ... but it has been a journey traversed far ... to be cherished.

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SK Ghosh

SK Ghosh

It is a great pleasure to share with all of you my experiences with Hardcastle Family over the last 50 years. My journey started in 1970 with the Hardcastle Group.

During my tenure of last 50 years, we have passed through many ups and downs, leading us to attain a certain stage in the Indian metal processing space.

Our management's decision to focus on metal process division gave us a big jump both in revenue and status, and helped us get recognized in the industry for our quality and problem solving capabilities.

Our ability to introduce new generation environment friendly products replacing conventional oil based products have enhanced our company's image and business.

I consider myself fortunate to have been a part of the journey of introducing the following trendsetting products in India which gave new benchmarks to the industry.

  • Introduction of water glycol-based FRHF products in Coke oven replacing conventional hydraulic oil.
  • Introduction of polymer quenchants replacing quenching oil in TATA Motors (formerly known as Telco) for quenching of crankshaft / connecting rod/stub axle. Being first of its kind in India, this category of products was a revolution in the auto industry and delivered tremendous benefits both technically and commercially.
  • Introduction of semi-synthetic based rolling oil and pickle oil at Bokaro Steel Plant and Rourkela Steel Plant.
  • Introduction of HFDU fluids in the steel and aluminum industry.
  • DGMS approval of our HFB and HFDU fluids and introduction of the products to various coal mines.

Now we are fully equipped with modern R&D and factory with international standards to take up any challenge.

I would like to take this opportunity to convey my heartiest gratitude to Shri B.L. Jatia, Amit Jatia, Achal Jatia and O.P.Adukiaji for their support & encouragement in my 50 years of professional life. I also thank all the team members for their cooperation and support during my journey.

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Mr. Balasundar receiving an award

BN Balasundar

I have spent many moments in HPPL since the time I joined i.e 21st April 1994. I would like to take this opportunity to think about how grateful I am to be celebrating 25 years of service in our Esteemed Organization.

There were endless learning in my journey with the HPPL family and gained knowledge on so many fronts such as self-development, career growth, up gradation of technical knowledge, leadership skills and so on, which were provided on a platter by the management.

I started my journey as a Sales Engineer and progressed to become Zonal head - South, working with some of the most talented people I have ever met. It was indeed a pleasure to see my colleagues also flourish and our family grow. There is no way I could have been able to achieve this without the extraordinary efforts, support, and generosity of the management.

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Chandrakant Khaitan

I joined Hardcastle in June 1995 as Junior Accounts Officer, a trainee. Today I am delighted to celebrate my 25 years with the Hardcastle family. It's been a journey with a lot of ups and downs. I came to Mumbai for pursuing my CA but my financial condition compelled me to take up a job. I got hands-on experience in many areas.

In 2009 I took the courage to apply for an MBA and fortunately, with the support of my family, friends, and management, completed my MBA and secured 3rd rank in the college. I didn't stop here. I also cracked the entrance exam for LLB and made it to a law college, but as they say, life has its own plans. I had to drop out of law college in my second year due to some unforeseen circumstances.

Here are some lessons that I learned and I would like to share:

  • 1. Padhne ki kol Umar Nahi Hoti - I did my MBA after 14 years of graduation.
  • 2. Just like an ideal stock portfolio, knowledge also should be diversified - One needs to have diverse work experience. Having worked at different offices and different positions, I got vast experience that helps me lead the team now.

People often ask what made you stay here for so long?

It was not only the salary but the work culture of the management, career growth, recognition for hard work and support of management in case of any crisis that worked. Because of these factors, the idea of disassociation never crossed my mind.

Management has helped me a lot on so many occasions, professionally as well as in personal life. In the era where people do not stay for so long be it personal or professional life, I am happy to celebrate my 21st marriage anniversary and 25th work anniversary this year. The journey so far would not have been possible without the wholehearted support received from my team members and colleagues.

A lot of milestones still to accomplish. I would like to quote a few lines from a poem by Robert frost:

But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep."

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Jignesh Patel

Jignesh Patel

A decade is a long time and it's been an incredible ride. On October 28, 2011, I joined HPPL in search of new opportunity and to revitalize my passion towards research and development.

My journey with HPPL has been truly exciting and am really grateful for the opportunities that have been given by the management.

My education background is Ph. D and I was involved in academic research as I was handling government projects from UGC and CSIR. My desire to work at a place where I can get the right platform, direction, support, guidance and motivation fulfilled at HPPL.

HPPL has the best combination of talent, skills and attitude that add up to great performance. My superiors, management and my colleagues have really helped me excel at my skills in the HPPL. During this period, I got opportunities to attend trainings, seminars and customer visits which benefitted me to understand the things in practicality.

I would like to thank management for providing the much needed assistance that we needed during the pandemic time. Without their guidance, online trainings and seminars we might have lost track of our work and enthusiasm.

Thank you for the ten remarkable years of new learning, experiences, and support.

I strongly believe that teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.

With deep appreciation,

Jignesh Patel

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Shatrughan Singh

Satrughan Singh

It seems to be a really a tough task to describe my experience at HPPL in words as there have been many highs and lows and moreover it has been and being very enjoyable to work here.

It all started in 2002 as a trainee chemist when I joined the company, it was just for a change and to spend a little bit time here, though I later realised that this is the environment I was looking for. The HPPL environment made me understand the real meaning of honesty.

I can say I was literally zero in terms of technical knowledge in lubricants at the time I joined. But today I am confident that though I may not be perfect but I’m far better than what I was. I have been getting many opportunities here to improve myself by gaining knowledge through self-development trainings, upgradation of technical knowledge, leadership trainings etc. This has been possible only because of continuous training and development efforts of HPPL for their employees.

I would like to thank my seniors who made my experience better by providing the guidance and support as and when required in my work. I have enjoyed my years of working with HPPL team.

During COVID-19 situation, the management took all steps for employees’ safety and also provided the required support to work from home.

At last, I consider myself lucky to be a part of the HPPL family. I am looking forward to a great settled future here. We all work for money and position, but the most important thing, which is important for everyone is “SATISFACTION” which I’m getting here.

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Ajit Gaikwad

Ajit Gaikwad

Bill Gates once said,

"In life and business, if you want to go

fast go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.”

My journey with HPPL began in February 2006 as a Dy. Technical Sales Manager.

My role was to introduce Die Casting Lubricants in the Indian market, which had been recently launched in India. This initial phase was full of learnings as I got an opportunity to gain hands-on training by Petrofer experts overseas. With their guidance and support of our seniors, I got accustomed to the culture of the company which felt like a family working together.

In the rapidly changing market environment, the company provided us top class trainings to Improve product knowledge and soft skills which helped us cultivate new working habits and reduce stress levels. It was a matter of pride to be a part of such trainings.

During the pandemic situation, HPPL took care of us as a family by arranging mind calming sessions through experts which showed steady clarity in dim light and motivated me to keep going on the right path for achieving the best in life and at work.

I really feel proud to be a part of the HPPL family and will continue to contribute forachieving further milestones.

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Kamal Rathi

Kamala Rathi

Today, while writing this note l am realising that I am on this journey for more than 20 Pvt Ltd years with Hardcastle.

l am associated with the Hardcastle group since 1989 when I Joined as a Quality Control Chemist at the Kalyan plant. It Is my pleasure to share the Journey from the very beginning

I started my career at Hardcastle under the guidance of senior members from all departments. I was the only lady In the factory at that time. Gradually. I learnt best practices at the lab and was given responsibility for some of the areas In QC lab for testing and quality assurance.

Later In the year 1991. I shifted to Sarlgam location and stayed at Bhilad near to our factory. In the year 1992. I was shifted to R&D lab and was responsible for development of metalworking fluids- semisynthetic water misclble cutting coolant. HFDU and aluminium forming olls.

During that time at Bhilad, we had a nice company guest house where we had a mess and play area. Sarigam was quite a remote area during those days. We stayed there like a family and celebrated all the festivals with all staff and their family members.

Later In the year 1995, our R&D Laboratory shifted to Kalyan and due to some personal reasons.I had to end my first Innings with Hardcastle Family In 1996.

It was the charisma of the Hardcastle family that I Joined back again In the year 2006 to start my second Innings as the Head of R&D department at Hardcastle Petrofer, Sarlgam.

As It was Just the beginning of Petrofer partnership. I got an opportunity to develop many new products In metalworking and other new product groups. SInce then, we have established a comprehensive product range.

I was given an opportunity by the management to represent HPPL at global R&D meetings at Petrofer Germany

In recent years, at factory, we have had a lot of Improvements such as Implementation of 5S good practices and upgradation of Infrastructure at the plant.

Now we have a state-of-the- art product development centre and quality control lab with many advanced automatic Instruments.

It Is wonderful to be a part of this growth story and I look forward to further long association with the HPPL family.

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Sanjay Taneja

Sanjay Taneja

My journey with HPPL started in 2004 when I joined the Organization as a Sr. Sales Engineer. As I look back, I feel privileged and fortunate to have worked with extremely talented & supportive seniors and team members.

Today.I must sincerely acknowledge that it is with their support and guidance that I have grown in all spheres of my life. I have cherished every moment of my service at HPPL and it has been a really wonderful work experience

The Management has a visionary approach and has been continuously investing in improving the skill sets of our workforce, adopting innovative and latest tech support systems. Being ahead of the curve, HPPL was the first in the industry to introduce Blackberry for all employees and PowerBl for transparent sharing of information. The management has always strived to empower us to set and achieve new milestones.

I am deeply touched by the welfare measures taken up by the company during the pandemic situation and personal attention to all employees & their families.

I encourage the young talents to experience the rich culture and warmth of the HPPL Family.

Let's pronounce with full ethos & wish that we set new milestone in the new decade.

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Sanjay Taneja

Vaibhav Kantilal Dodia

My Dear HPPL Family,

As I sit here reflecting on the past 9 (Nine) years, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement for the journey we've shared at this beautiful Organisation. 14th July, 2023 marked a significant milestone in my career, and I couldn't let this moment pass without expressing my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you.

Nine years ago, I stepped into this workplace with anticipation and a desire to contribute to the Organization's success. Little did I know that this place would become a Second Home, and you all would become like a close-knit family to me.

Throughout these years, I have witnessed tremendous growth, both personally and professionally, and it wouldn't have been possible without the continuous support, encouragement, and camaraderie that surrounds me.

First and foremost, I extend my deepest appreciation to all my seniors for being exceptional mentor(s) and leader(s). Your guidance, unwavering belief in my abilities, and constructive feedback have played a pivotal role in shaping my career. I have learned so much under your wing, and I am genuinely grateful for your trust in my potential.

To my incredible Teammates, who have stood by me through thick and thin, a Big Thank You!

Your collaboration and team spirit have been the driving force behind our collective achievements. From our brainstorming sessions to celebrating triumphs, I cherish each memory we've created together.

“The strength of the Team is Each Individual Member. The Strength of Each Member is the Team”

I also acknowledge our Promoters for cultivating an environment that fosters growth, creativity, and innovation. The respect and inclusivity prevalent in this workplace have made every day a joy to come to work.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the unwavering support of my family and friends outside of work. They have been my pillar of strength during the highs and lows, and I am truly grateful for their love and encouragement.

As I look ahead to the future – embarking my year of Decade at this workplace, I am filled with excitement about what lies ahead. With the experience and skills gained over the years, I am eager to take on new challenges and contribute even more to the success of our Organization.

Once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being an integral part of my journey. Here's to many more years of collaboration, growth, and shared success. With warmest regards,

Yours sincerely,

Vaibhav Kantilal Dodia

Company Secretary & Gen. LLB

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